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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Emily Strickland Phillips

The more I reflect on it, the more I'm happy with the way things turned out. A truly beautiful day full of good people (and good cake). Most weddings have deep inner beauty, expressed by the flowers, dresses, and crying mothers. We were blessed with the opportunity to have some of that peeled back to set the True Beauty in the forefront, while still preserving a beautiful ceremony. Now when we go to weddings, the covenant is what stands out the most to me -- two beloved believers bound in service and self-sacrifice to one another by the power of the Holy Spirit. The leftovers are thrown away, friends fall out of touch, the flowers wilt, and waistlines exceed the cinches, but the commitment strengthens and blossoms. Time is an enemy of the body, but a friend to the soul. God willing, the older I get, the more the phrase "beautiful wedding" will mean the degree of commitment made, not the totality of the falderal. So far, it certainly feels true for us. Love you, Emily.

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